From the latest information available on the Internet or in various magazines, it is clear that the demand for as well as the usage of computers is increasing rapidly. Moreover, after their connectivity with computers all over the world, the computer usage graph is increasing exponentially. The main tasks done on computers are surfing and social networking, from which we conclude that browser is a very important and frequently used application in our system. Hence, it is essential to make it secure from various malware. At the same time, you also have to consider its performance, as a slow browsing creates problems and we have to wait for long. For resolving your problems, you can call a third party service to help you with browser config.

Many issues are covered under browser configuration like increasing its performance, changing its looks and style, as well as securing it from various malware attacks. Many browsers are available like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Apple Safari. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer comes in-built with every version of the Windows operating system.

When computers are connected to the Internet, software vulnerabilities can be exploited for tracking your information and damaging your files. The browsers as well as installed software might host vulnerabilities. In addition, attackers may use your computer for spreading malware.

Features of Web Browser

For securing your system from these kinds of problems, it is necessary for you to have some knowledge about your browser.


ActiveX is found in Microsoft Internet Explorer on a Windows operating system. This technology allows utilizing a part or the whole application.


It is an object oriented programming language, which is used to develop active contents. Java codes, which are provided by the website, are executed on a Java Virtual Machine.


Plug-ins are executed within the browser and are very much similar to ActiveX. Plug-ins could have different programming flaws such as design flaws or buffer flaws. An example of an application, available as a plug-in, is Adobe Flash.


Cookies are used to track information about specific browsing sessions. These are present on the both sides i.e. client as well as server side.

For security, you must equip all used browsers with appropriate browser configuration. By this process, you can secure your personal information. You have to update your browser frequently for better security. This can be done by taking the help of experts in browser configuration services.

Microsoft Internet Explorer comes in-built in all Windows operating systems. It has ActiveX technology and also supports java scripting and other active contents. You can disable unwanted features of Internet Explorer by following the steps below:

· Open Internet Explorer

· Select ‘Tools’ and click on ‘Internet Options’

· Click on ‘Security’ tab. Various security zones are listed which are used by Internet Explorer. You can get more information by clicking on ‘Setting up security zone’.

· Click on ‘Custom level’. Select ‘Internet zone’, where all sites start up. Setting on this zone will be applicable for all websites.

· Made the security level high

· Select default level and drag the slider to high.

By following similar steps, you can secure a different browser as well, however, because of the difference in designs, you will have to search for these setting options. If you want to reduce your search time, you can contact browser configuration utility services.

By Janet J

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